Monday, April 09, 2007

Visual Archive Image
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My internship advisor at NCSU CVM has assigned a wonderful project to me called a visual archive. The goal of this project is to help me become more artistically eloquent. In my photography program the technical aspect is highly stressed and sometimes the creative part is forgotten; this project has me finding things that I find visually interesting and then dissecting why they interst me. It's really a great exercise. Anyway long story short this is an image I shot at NCSU CVM and I love it for many reasons, too many to list here.

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Bird Skull From Staunton, VA
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This skull is actually very tiny, probably an inch in total length. The skull is that of a sparrow that got stuck in an abandon hospital and died. This image was made by putting the skull on a flatbed scanner and scanning it. I used an Epson 1640 XL scanner and added the black corners by rotating the image in photoshop to expose the black background.

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I absolutely love this shot. It's of a clown fish in a tank in the lobby at NCSU CVM. I just hand held and bracketed exposure; shot with a Nikon D1X and a Nikon 35mm-70mm Af lens. No flash. I did clean up the image in photoshop using levels and hue/saturation.


Research Surgery
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
This photo is of a dog under anesthesia. it was shot at NCSU CVM I shot this using a Nikon D1X and a 35mm-70mm lens AF, and SB-28flash. My exposure was 1/150th@F8.

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More Internship Work
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I do a lot of different things on my internship and one of them is scanning EM negatives and adjusting the histogram in photoshop. I scanned this negative using an Agfa Duoscan and brought the detail out using curves and levels in photoshop.

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