Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Shell and Barnacle
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
I shot this on Kodak Tungsten Ektachrome. I used a Nikon FG and a 55mm macro lens and an extension tube, The exposure was F32 @ 10sec.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I shot this with tungsten hot lights on Kodak EktaChrome. I used a Nikon FG and a 55mm macro lens with an extension tube, The exposure was F32 @ 5sec.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

High Key Assignment

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This was a high key assignment I shot for BioMed Portrait Lighting Class. It was a first attempt that I shot on chrome. I used strobes and shot with a Nikon FG camera and a 28mm-90mm lens. I don't remember the exposure, it was last semester.
Multimedia Project

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

These are some of the images I shot for a multimedia project, I will be putting them together in a Soundslides project with ambient noise and music.

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